Bekah's blog

Thursday, December 28, 2006


Tama pets are little virtual pets. I own four of them, one is debugged, one is dirty, and two are new. None of my tamas have ever died. I made a picture of one too!

Thursday, December 21, 2006


We had a Christmas party with my friends. We ate cookies and a whole bunch of stuff. I almost threw up and then we played outside. The party was with my two friends and my little sister's friends. Their nameas are Niaya, Moranda, Kennedy and Sophie. We exchanged gifts...homemade gifts not store bought gifts. The end.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

We went to a movie and the movie was called "Happy Feet". It is about penguins that sing and one penguin can't sing he just dances. And then he goes on ajourney to find out why they are taking all the fishes. And then he finds out why they are taking the fish and then they ban fishing in that area. We got free tattoos and little did we know they were poisonous. I got the "Happy Feet" disease and I have 5 symptoms. Their names are Gloria, Mumble, Lovelace, Ramon, and Memphis and Norma Jean. I have 11 spots of "Happy Feet" in total. I have a really bad Gloria outbreak....

We went to "Christmas in the Park" and we saw a house with zombie children in it (editors note: this was an animatronic Christmas display of children singing Christmas carols...they did have creepy faces tho'). There was this little thing that was a Santa head on a toothpick and there wasa display of children worshiping a globe...this is not a good thing...

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Amimated bekah

Thursday, December 14, 2006


Spriting is when you pixel a video game like character. I have made sprites myself and am willing to show you one.(LOOK ABOVE, PEOPLES!!!)I have made a few and these are just 2 of the ones I've made.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

coming soon...updates from Bekah!!!